一个神奇的网站:2021-3-23 · 本站文章部分内容转载自互联网,供读者交流和学习,如有涉及作者版权问题请及时与我们联系,以便更正或删除。感谢所有提供信息材料的网站,并欢迎各类媒体与我们进行文章共享合作。

Therefore, we are happy to announce that the Management Committee of ESSA-European Social Simulation Association has supported our proposal to establish a new type of event: 新民网 - 为民分忧 与民同乐:2 天前 · 新民网是新民晚报官方网站,强势新闻门户,以上海突发、财经、原创新闻为特色,采用文字、视频、播客、图片、直播等全媒体技术创新报道,另有当日新民晚报数字报纸和新民周刊数字杂志供应。, i.e., a series of coordinated virtual events addressed to our community, such as lectures, workshops, tutorials, webinars, and interviews, with a common schedule, format and platform. The SSW will take place exactly in the week of the cancelled conference, on 14-18 September 2020.

If successful this year, ESSA will make this event a regular service to the community by establishing a regular annual Social Simulation Week, ideally in a period that does not overlap with the annual edition of the Social Simulation Conference.

To contribute to the Social Simulation Week 2020, please see the submission page where you find instructions on proposal submissions here.

For any information, please contact us at ssc2020@behavelab.org.

齐鲁晚报:2021-7-22 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准以及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ...

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